ameka1 6th June 2021

Mr Ossie, Daddy!  You were a force to reckon with! Your spirit an unchallenged monumental mountain.  You flew free, not bowing to man nor beast!  Small in stature but larger than the concept of life, you glided through this life beguiling man, woman, and child, yet if one misstep is made, you pounced like a lion to its prey. You held to your convictions as a fetus to an umbilical cord and cradle it like a child to Its mother’s bosom.   An autodidact, your knowledge and intellect were admired, you chatted, talked, opined, and debated with the best, and you shone like the brightest star, it amazes me how so many flocked to you, like sheep to a Shepard.  Your dedication to the human condition was admirable, it didn't matter who one was, colour, creed, religion or, political affiliation, you helped everyone you could, when you could, how you could, for as long as you could, your stamina inspired. Yet, you sought no great reward, you did not want to be on a pedestal. You taught me the meaning of bipartisanship.  You were at peace with your accomplishments but strove through your last years to improve the lives of others.  You endeavor not to accumulate material things, your selflessness was legendary.    So many were lives were touched by you.   As your child, I know your flaws, but it’s outweighed by the love I have for you.  Your love for us was equal to your desire to discipline us when we do something wrong.  You spent years in politics, not to enrich yourself, but to enrich the lives of others, it is a rare commodity nowadays to find a human living their conviction, you did.  Daddy, your greatest accomplishments your children who have excelled in many fields, your legacy is measured not in dollars, but in us.  For me, even as I and my siblings are performing the rituals to prepare us for our next journey, I am continuing the fight to help improve the lives of others.   For the good of humanity, I am my FATHER’S child, I am my FATHER” S child! I love you and will miss your physical presence, but you will live eternally in my heart. May we meet again. “Old Meka”